Gallery of African hunting safari images

African Hunting videos YouTube

Your gallery of African hunting videos YouTube should reflect your hunt just as good as your trophies on the wall. Have some fun. Let your hair down and take videos of what’s happening on the hunt and at night by the fire.

Once your hard-earned trophy is on the back of the truck that’s it. You cannot stage another shot on YOUR animal. Allow your PH to use his video camera, or ask your hunting buddy to take a video. Even the soundtrack of a video out of focus can be used in compiling a great video.

Have a look at our African hunting videos Youtube as a prelude to your hunt, and after that as a reminder of the great times you had.

Gallery of African hunting videos YouTube

African hunting videos

Here we have a selection of African hunting videos YouTube. These videos portray the hunting of African plains game and African dangerous game. These videos are current and from hunts over the last few hunting seasons. Our South African safari hunting packages allow sufficient time to video your hunting action. Professional videographers are available on request.

Learn from our mistakes

However, this is not a perfect world we are living in and if other hunters can learn from our mistakes then we have achieved our goal. We therefore decided to upload our African hunting videos mistakes and all.

Why watch if hunting is not your game

Some African animals are tough. This means they can and do take more than a single shot to harvest. If animals receive more than one shot it could also mean the hunter administered a so-called insurance shot. In the case of dangerous game, it is essential for safety sake to shoot the insurance shot.

From the side of Mkulu African Hunting Safaris, we urge you NOT to watch our hunting videos if you are a Bunny Hugger or opposed to hunting. However, it still remains a mystery why such people watch our (and other) hunting videos.

This is a hunting website. Mkulu African Hunting Safaris is a hunting company. We hunt. We fish. We eat meat. If you do not like what we do, what are you doing wasting your time on this website?

Covid-19 2020

Due to the rather unforeseen outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, all hunting in South Africa ground to a halt from around March 2020 until later than 28 May 2020 at the time of this writing.

It is therefore impossible to schedule hunting videos of 2020 at this stage.

We will look at previous hunts and compile a few video shots from hunts during 2019. Thank you for understanding.

Bird hunting video

The South African bird hunting video is slightly further down this page. Please ensure you have a look at where we have fun videos during our hunting safaris. These videos are of the biting warthog and the Aardvark with the lady from Texas.

Once Mkulu African Hunting Safaris decided to add their African hunting videos on YouTube, we knew we were opening ourselves to criticism. In particular this is applicable if we were going to upload hunting videos portraying mistakes.

Turn these images into the video below
Buffalo charging during a hunt
Buffalo charges hunter
Buffalo charge

African hunting videos

Below are a number of our South African hunting safari videos compiled by ourselves, and professional cameramen. Sit back and appreciate the hunts as and when they took place.

Plains game rifle hunting videos

Below is a baboon hunting video that was slapped with an age restriction. Click on the part inside the window that says: Watch on YouTube

Below is a giraffe hunting video that was slapped with an age restriction. Click on the part inside the window that says: Watch on YouTube

Below is a spotted hyena hunting video that was slapped with an age restriction. Click on the part inside the window that says: Watch on YouTube

Dangerous game rifle hunting videos

Here is the link to watching the African lion hunting video that was slapped with an age restriction.


Plains game bow hunting videos

Here is the link to a zebra hunting video that got slapped with an age restriction.